Friday, March 2, 2012

ARRAN -The Glens Walk

ARRAN -The Glens Walk Video Clips. Duration : 10.12 Mins.

[2007] Arran Glens Walk - Ardrossan train then ferry over to Brodick followed by the 2 km 'String' bus journey to the foot of Glen Rosa for the contrasting Arran Glens walk. The 'Glen Rosa Hippos' rock formation is passed en route to the saddle where the panoramic Arran course granite mountaintop skyline unveils itself. These northern granite peaks are the resultant eroded remnants of the great mass of molten material that welled up from the fiery interior of this planet, pushing up the existing layers of rock to form a gigantic blister. Protected by the upper layers from the chill of the air the mass cooled so slowly as to produce the large crystals characteristic of granite. Subsequently cooled and hardened this rock eventually became exposed to the air when the older softer rock above it eroded, unveiling the Arran granite skyline that we now know. To the east of the saddle on this approach Goatfell, North Goatfell along to Ciogh na h-Oighe ('The Maiden's Breast') is the view while to the west Cir Mhor ('The Great Comb') and Caisteal Abhail ('The Castle of Death') along to the striking Ceum na Caillich ('The Witch's Step' / 'Step of the Carlin') undoubtedly steals the attention. Indeed, a great place for lunch when the sun breaks through. It was Bryce who stated that up until 1822 this ('Glens Walk' ) route was known as practicable only by shepherds, some of whom occasionally used it - and that the first non-shepherd thro-hikers credited with this successful hike were ...

Keywords: roddymck, Scotland, the, Saddle, Arran, Glen, Rosa, Sannox, Bay, Hotel, Goatfell, Cir, Mhor, mountains, Highlands, Karen, Matheson

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