In the holy ground of the churchyards of Ireland, uncomplicated stone crosses rest in remembrance of those who have passed. For centuries, these ringed crosses, known as Celtic Crosses, have been used as symbols of faith and hope, along with other crosses, such as High Crosses. A true Celtic Cross will always consist of a central ring, which is idea to be borrowed from Pagan rituals of yore, representing the Sun. The four points of the Celtic Cross narrate the four directions, north, south, east and west.
When Celtic Crosses first appeared in Ireland, they were often decorated with Runic symbols, and sometimes with zoomorphic images of animals as well. While they may have been carefully Pagan symbols back in the day, Celtic Crosses have come to be potent symbols of Christianity in Ireland.
Irish Names And Meanings
The Insular Art movement produced many fine examples of Celtic Crosses, throughout Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Insular Art is complex, symbolic, and somewhat mysterious. The art movement gained its name from the fact that is was impossible to ascertain exactly where the art may have been made. Often, art treasures and metalwork was moved from one country to another.
It is obvious that many Celtic Crosses were made in Ireland, rather than naturally brought there, but others have a hazier origin. The Insular art movement began after the Romans retreated from Celtic lands, and grew stronger as the Celtic population embraced Christianity.
Irish master artists have a long tradition of expertise with metalwork and stonework, and, in past centuries, they added real charm and meaning to Celtic Crosses. Unlike the Crucifix, which features painful and sad images of Jesus in his suffering, the Celtic Cross is more attractive and less graphic. For example, the Celtic Cross often features carved symbols and intricate knot work that symbolize life-force and the eternal nature of all things. Irish master craftsmen sought out many small variations to the Celtic Cross, adding a rich, three-dimensional quality to the uncomplicated structure.
Some other examples of adornment used to heighten the charm of stone and metal Celtic Crosses are whorls and spirals, popular symbols used in many Celtic designs of the Insular Art period. Some symbols remain wrapped in mystery, years later, but their frequent use in Celtic art and establish speaks to spiritual meanings, and to the idea of eternity. The spiral, in particular, is idea to narrate growth, and the journey straight through life.
When the first High Crosses appeared in Celtic lands during the ninth century, they were often adorned with zoomorphic, or animal, symbols...but why? Some population feel that many aspects of Celtic and High Crosses were borrowed from the Druids, who worshipped the natural world.
The addition of complex, richly-detailed animal symbols such as wolfhounds, birds, and other creatures, may have been passed down from the Druids. Zoomorphic symbols faded in popularity over the years, and Celtic Crosses prolonged to evolve into their modern variations.
Today, master craftsmen still embrace the charm and meaning of Celtic Crosses, and many Irish families still place a Cross on the grave of a loved one, to symbolize their faith in a higher power. Today, Celtic Crosses can also be found in jewelry designs such as pendants, and they are crafted of gold, silver, and often precious stones such as emeralds and diamonds. The pleasing lines and intricate knot work of modern Celtic Cross jewelry designs have made them popular choices for many wearers who wish to honor their Celtic heritage.
If you voyage to Ireland, you will find ancient and modern examples of the Celtic Cross in churches, churchyards, and other landmarks. It is idea that some Celtic Crosses were located in the ground in order to guide travelers on their journey.
The classic nature of the Celtic Cross ensures that each generation discovers its meaning and history, decade after decade. The crosses are a touching symbol of the past, and an leading way to remain in touch with the beliefs and spirit of Christianity. Celtic Crosses will always remain an integral part of Irish art and culture, whether they are worn as pendants, or located in remembrance upon the final resting place of a loved one.
The intelligent history and meaning of Celtic Crosses is often steeped in mystery, but there is no doubt that the love of God prompted their creation. For this reason, they will always reserve their appeal, and narrate the special, unique nature of the Celtic people.
The Celtic Cross - An Irish seal of Faith and Hope
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